Speed Baduk vol 1,2,3 + answerbook (Kim Sung-Rae)

Réédition 2020 Hebsacker

Speed Baduk est une série de 12 volumes d'apprentissage du jeu de Go. Chaque ouvrage contient des centaines de problèmes illustrant le point de base. Les livres réponses sont disponibles séparément.

Niveau recommandé pour chacune des séries
Speed Baduk 1-2-3 > 30-20 kyu
Speed Baduk 4-5-6 > 20-10 kyu
Speed Baduk 7-8-9 > 10-5 kyu
Speed Baduk 10-11-12 > 5 kyu - 1 dan

Retrouvez ici les 3 premiers volumes avec le livre-réponses correspondant

Tables des Matières

Speed Baduk Vol. 1
1. Liberty
2. Capturing
3. Escaping
4. Counter-dansu (atari)
5. Connection
6. Blocking
7. How to play Dansu (Atari)
1. Playing Dansu towards the first line
2. Playing Dansu towards your stone(s) or thickness
3. Playing Dansu cutting at the same time
4. Double Dansu
8. Territory
9. Suicide move
10. Life and Death
11. Chokchoksu (Shortage of Liberties)
12. Snapback
13. Net
14. Ladder
15. Capturing race
16. Filling Liberties
17. Increasing Liberties
18. Live Stone(s) and Dead Stone(s)
19. Pae (Ko)
20. Bik (Local Stalemate)
21. Good Shape and Bad Shape
22. Good Move and Bad Move
23. Neutral Point
24. Endgame

Speed Baduk Vol. 2
1. Connection
2. Cutting
3. Ladder
4. Net
5. Capturing race
1. Basic tactics
2. Fill the outside liberty first
3. Fill the liberty of the main chain
4. Which group to fight?
6. Snapback
7. False Eye
8. Life and Death
1. The four-space life and death
2. Life and death after capturing
9. Living Shape, Dead Shape
10. Throw-in
1. Throw-in for Chokchoksu(Shortage of Liberties)
2. Throw-in to make a false eye
3. Throw-in to win a capturing race
11. How to capture the key stone(s)?
1. Capture the stone(s) which can escape first
2. Capture the key stone(s) first
12. Mattbogi(Miai)
1. Mattbogi in connection
2. Mattbogi in life and death
13. Strong shape, Weak shape
14. Good shape, Bad shape
15. Sunsu, Husu
16. Savable Stones, Unsavable Stones
17. Territory
18. Size
19. Endgame

Speed Baduk Vol. 3
1. After Dansu
1. Capturing after Dansu (Atari)
2. Connection after Dansu (Atari)
3. Escaping after Dansu (Atari)
4. Double-dansu after Dansu (Atari)
5. Ladder after Dansu (Atari)
6. Net after Dansu (Atari)
7. Snapback after Dansu (Atari)
2. Connection
1. Types of Connection
2. Where to Connect?
* Baduk Proverbs (1)
* Baduk Proberbs Pattern
* Concentration Test
3. Cutting & Blocking
4. Capturing Race
1. 4 Liberty Counting
2. How to Increase Liberties?
3. How to Win Capturing Race?
4. Capturing with Hane
* Concentration Test
5. Sunsu, Husu
6. How to Save/Escape the Key Stones?
o Baduk Proverbs Pattern
o Concentration Test
7. Throw-in
1. Chokchoksu with Throw-in
2. Double Throw-in
* Baduk Proverbs Pattern

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