Invisible, The games of Alpha Go (Antti Tormanen)

Compilé par Antti Törmänen - Hebsacker 2017 - 238p.

Le livre contient les 78 matchs officiels du logiciel AlphaGo, 73 d'entre eux avec les commentaires d'un professionnel.

The strongerst go Player in History is not Human!
Part 1: Alpha Go vs Lee Sedol. The match 2016
Part 2: The online Mystery Player, Alpha Go in disguise won 60 online games against the world top players.
Part 3: The Future of Go Summit. Alpha Go Vs Ke Jie and a couple of games played of Pair Go played at exihibition matches in 2017

Comments by Mitany Tetsuyo 7-dan, Shiung Feng 6-dan, Ohashi Hirofumi 6-dan, Murakami Akihide 3-dan, Antti Tormanen, 1-dan

EAN 9783937499062

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