Modern Master Games Vol.1 : The Dawn of tournament Go (Bozulich)

Rob van Zeijst, Richard Bozulich - Kiseido 2012 - en anglais - 165 p.

Un voyage fascinant qui vous emmène à travers les premiers tournois au Japon. Onze parties commentées, chaque jeu est accompagné de la trame historique et d'un aperçu des joueurs.

Table des matières
* Pref­ace
* Glos­sary of Japan­ese Go Terms
* The Dawn of Tour­na­ment Go: The Hon­inbo Tournament
* Game One: The First Hon­inbo Title Match, Game Six
o Kato Shin vs. Skiyama Riichi
* Game Two: The Third Hon­inbo Title Match, Game Two — The Atomic-Bomb Game
o Hashimoto Utaro vs. Iwamoto Kaoru
* Game Three: The Third Hon­inbo Title Match Playoff
o Hashimoto vs. Iwamoto
* Game Four: The Fourth Hon­inbo Title Match, Game Five
o Iwamoto Kaoru vs. Kitani Minoru
* Game Five: The Sixth Hon­inbo Title Match, Game One
o Hashimoto Utaro vs. Sakata Eio
* Game Six: The Sixth Hon­inbo Title Match, Game Seven
o Sakata Eio vs. Hashimoto Utaro
* Game Seven: The Sev­enth Hon­inbo Title Match, Game Four
o Tak­gawa Kaku vs. Hashimoto Utaro
* Game Eight: The Fif­teenth Hon­inbo Title Match, Game Five
o Fuji­sawa Shuko vs. Tak­gawa Kaku
* Game Nine: The Six­teenth Hon­inbo Title Match, Game Five
o Tak­a­gawa Kaku vs. Sakata Eio
* Game Ten: The Sec­ond Mei­jin Title Match, Game Seven — The Found­ing of the Mei­jin Title
o Sakata Eio vs. Fuji­sawa Shuko
* Game Eleven: The Third Judan Title Match, Game Five — The Estab­lish­ment of the Judan Title
o Fuji­sawa Hosai vs. Handa Dogen

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